Hui is a round-trip station-based car share service where you can book a vehicle by the hour or day, now or in the future. The service includes more than 65 accessible station locations across Oahu and 170 Lexus and Toyota vehicles. Reservations include insurance, gas, maintenance, taxes, 24/7 help desk, 24/7 roadside assistance, parking at the station, and cleaning. In Hawaiian, “Hui” means club or association, but is often referred to as community, partnership, or extended family.
Since its launch in 2018, Hui has served as a testing ground of innovation and new technology in Hawaiʻi.
Hui utilizes innovative technology which generates a digital key that allows users to unlock, lock, and start the vehicle all through their smartphone. Booking reservations, making payments, and driving the vehicle is seamlessly completed all through the Hui app.
How to Use Hui
Watch the video below to see how simple it is to incorporate Hui Car Share into your life!