100 Years
Established in 1919 • Waialua, Hawaiʻi
Celebrating 100 Years
In 1919, Peter Fukunaga took out a $1,500 loan to open a two-car garage in Waialua town on the North Shore of Oahu. Today we’re a $1.8+ billion business spanning the Pacific. View History
Our 100th anniversary logo celebrates the culture and foundation of where it all began. Inspired by the simple values and living of plantation life in historic Hawaiʻi, our logo is influenced by the textures of the kapa print. Along with clean, contemporary lines used in old Hawaiian architecture, the pattern forms a “w” adding a subtle nod to our Waialua roots.
The Bag Is Back!
In honor of our 100th anniversary, we’ve created a replica of our beloved Toyota bag celebrating our mobility partnership with Toyota and our roots in Waialua.
In the 1960’s, Tom Fukunaga saw children at Palama Settlement carrying their baseball gear to a game without any bags. Determined to help Hawaiʻi’s disadvantaged youth, our second-generation president created a program to provide free sport bags to community athletic teams. By the early 1980s, Servco was giving away tens of thousands of bags a year until the program was discontinued in the early 1990s.

We’ve created a special 1919 Waialua Edition of the Toyota Tacoma, Toyota 4Runner, and Lexus RX 350 to commemorate our 100 Year Anniversary. All three anniversary models are available exclusively in Hawaiʻi. While we’ve become a global company, we wanted to honor our humble beginnings by naming these special edition vehicles after the place where we got our start.
As we commemorate this important milestone, we didn’t want to celebrate in a normal self-centered way. Instead, our celebration stems from our DNA of service. In January, we launched our #CentennialServiceCampaign which will invest over $1.5 million into our local communities this year in form of nonprofit grants and in-kind donations. More information will be posted on this page as we announce our community partnerships throughout the year. You can also sign up to receive updates from Servco so you can be the first to know!

Hawaii Social Impact Project
Did you know 37% of people living in Hawaiʻi are living paycheck to paycheck and struggling every month to pay bills and buy food, while another 11% live below the Federal Poverty Level? That’s nearly half of our community in need. Right now, much of our efforts only address the symptoms of this problem. In February, The Servco Foundation donated $200,000 to help Aloha United Way start the Hawaii Social Impact Project, a three-year AUW initiative to develop a collective impact education program, addressing root causes of Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) individuals in Hawaiʻi. This program will train nonprofits in our community to develop Hawaiʻi’s capacity for more innovative, effective, sustainable, and scalable solutions to address the root causes of our social issues.

Hawaii Public Radio Spring Pledge Drive
Servco has been a long-time supporter of Hawaii Public Radio (HPR). In April, Team Serve volunteered at HPR’s 2019 Spring Membership Drive and fielded calls from HPR supporters for a two-hour period. The Servco Foundation pledged to match dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000, while Team Serve members manned the phones. Many HPR donors and Team Servco members called in, helping Team Serve to hit and surpass the match goal! In celebration of Servco’s 100th Anniversary, the company also sponsored “The Best of Aloha Shorts – On the Road” which brought together Hawaiʻi’s finest writers, actors, and musicians for a half-hour radio program honoring local culture.

University of Hawaiʻi Students Drive for a Cause with Hui Car Share
When delivering meals to residents across the island, Lanakila Meals on Wheels volunteers often use their personal vehicles. This provided a great partnership opportunity for Hui Car Share to provide a mobility solution for these volunteers to continue serving in our community. In April, Hui Car Share joined forces with Lanakila Meals on Wheels and the University of Hawaiʻi students by providing 30 Hui vehicles to help deliver over 1,250 emergency food care packages to home bound seniors and individuals with disabilities across Oahu. This semi-annual initiative occurs just prior to the start of hurricane season to ensure that residents have access to food resources in times of emergencies.

James Campbell High School’s Saber Cafe Hosts Inaugural Meal in Kitchen Refurbished by Servco Home & Appliance
First opening its doors in 2013, James Campbell High School’s Saber Cafe was started with the intention of helping students experience all aspects of fine dining restaurant work. Since then it has evolved into a culinary program that hosts a monthly, three-course, fine-dining experience open to the public. In April, Servco’s Home & Appliance Division donated and installed over $17,000 worth of kitchen appliances in the student-run kitchen and training classroom to replace many dated and worn-down appliances. To celebrate the newly updated kitchen, Saber Cafe students served an inaugural meal to special guests from the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, government officials, and Servco executives.

Building New Homes with Honolulu Habitat for Humanity
Honolulu Habitat for Humanity made progress on two of the four new homes that are being built in Waimanalo with the help of Servco employees in June. Over 40 Servco volunteers worked on two family homes, installing drywall, painting, and foundation work. The projects will provide homes to two families when construction is completed this summer. Honolulu Habitat for Humanity has a goal of building 40 homes on Oahu over the next five years.

Making an Impact on Education Through an Appliance Donation Program
The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education (HIDOE) announced a partnership with Servco to install nearly $200,000 worth of appliances at public schools across the State. All appliances will be donated by Servco Home & Appliance Distribution and the program will largely focus on washer and dryer donations to schools with high populations of students living in unstable housing situations. Central Middle School’s Takai Transition Center kicked off the appliance donation program with a $9,000 value including ranges, hoods, refrigerators, and microwaves. The center will provide a safe and stable foundation for newly-arrived students and families to acclimate into their new community.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Music Artists With Fender Play Foundation
Through a partnership between Servco and Fender Play Foundation, 2,000 Fender ukuleles, 750 Fender acoustic guitars, soft cases, and one-year subscriptions to Fender Play will benefit over 8,500 local elementary through high schools students in Hawaiʻi. The musical instrument donation program was launched on Oahu with a series of surprise concerts featuring Na Hoku Hanohano award winning music duo Ben & Maila at three schools across Oahu. It continued into the evening with a ceremony at the Bishop Museum where students and teachers were able to pick up their new musical instruments.

Servco Foundation 20-19 Community Grant Program
As a tie to its centennial year, the Servco Foundation awarded $20,000 grants to 19 nonprofits across the state as part of its Community Grant Program. The Foundation asked for public nominations and received nearly 5,000 representing 567 organizations. With the help of Servco’s employees, 19 recipients were selected to receive a grant to enable them to continue perpetuating their services in the community. The Foundation selected five nonprofits on Oahu, four nonprofits on the Big Island, three nonprofits on Maui, three nonprofits on Kauaʻi, and four statewide nonprofits. The chosen organizations, along with the individual who nominated them, were invited to a ceremony at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol to receive their grant and celebrate Servco’s Centennial Service Campaign.

A Special Take on Our Annual Servco United Campaign to Benefit Aloha United Way
Servco raised nearly $400,000 for Aloha United Way during its annual Servco United Campaign through employee e-pledges, fundraisers, and a special program by the Servco Foundation that donated $100 for each team member that pledged. The company increased its participation 65% over last year. Servco donated $316,229.89 raised through employee e-pledges and fundraisers and the Servco Foundation donated $78,400 as part of its pledge program. Servco’s final campaign total was $394,629.89 which includes $8,100 donated to Kauaʻi United Way and $950 to Maui United way raised by Servco team members.

Donating 10 Toyota and Subaru Vehicles to Local Nonprofits Across the State
As the final program of its Centennial Service Campaign, Servco presented two-year loans of Toyota or Subaru vehicles to 10, 501(c)(3) nonprofits in Hawaiʻi. Through an RFP process administered by the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, nonprofits applied by describing how the vehicle would be used to enhance the services they provide in the community. Awardees include Aloha Harvest, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, Lunalilo, Home, REHAB Hospital of the Pacific, Susannah Wesley Community Center, Touch a Heart, Project Vision Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi Economic Opportunity, Inc., Hawaiʻi Island HIV/AIDS Foundation, and Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute.